Half term fun (& not so fun!)

If I am being completely honest I was not looking forward to half term last week.  It was the first time I was going to be on my own with both of my babies and Little Mr A has been a little sod challenging lately to say the least!

I knew it was going to be a hard week and I was not wrong!  Although it was nice to be able to have a bit of lazy time together without rushing around getting ready for school, the constant noise and lack of any personal space has been rather difficult to cope with!  I fell out a lot with Little Mr A.  I love him to pieces and it hurts so much to argue with him all of the time but it is just so frustrating when he won’t listen to anything!  I want my lovely little chap back that we took on holiday last year, not this monster that we seem to bring home from school everyday!

If I hadn’t kept him entertained I could understand him getting bored and frustrated which is usually when he starts to play up, however, I did only the essential cleaning like the pots/washing, the housework I thought could wait a week!  Little Miss A was either asleep or laid on the floor entertaining herself so I could spend as much time as possible with Little Mr A.  It doesn’t seem to matter how much we do with him, it’s never enough!

I know he is struggling to come to terms with not being an only child anymore but I don’t know what else we can do to make him feel included.  He is beginning to play with Little Miss A more now she is getting bigger but some days he is so rough, shouting and laughing really loud right in her face or trying to roll her around and when we tell him to stop he just doesn’t listen.

At the moment all treats are banned.  He is having no computer games or i-Pad and no T.V. programmes of his at all.  He tried to convince me that Total Wipeout was my programme and that we could watch it, but I wasn’t falling for it!

I am really hoping he settles down soon, I don’t know how much more we can take.  I hate to see him so upset and emotional when he has been told off but the nicely, nicely approach just doesn’t work anymore!  I feel like I am being such a bad mum sometimes and that he must hate me, but my patience is wearing so thin I can’t help but snap at him.

Having said all that (!) we did manage to do some fun things in between the bickering…

making binocularsmaking cupcakesmaking pancakesmaking cardstrip to magnalego

I can’t say I am looking forward to the Easter holidays in a few weeks, however, I am hoping the weather will be nice so I can shut him outside let him play outside!

I hope everyone else’s half terms have been/will be more successful!

Little Miss A’s first trip to Scotland


As a family we have a big connection to Scotland. Big Mr A’s family are Scottish and his eldest sister lives in Edinburgh. Every year since we have been together we have made at least one trip up, apart from 2012 as we worked out on our trip up this time. We even got engaged in Edinburgh!

Little Mr A had his first trip up when he was 10 weeks old and now Little Miss A has had her first trip up at 11 weeks!

Little Miss A was really good on the journey up, she slept most of the way! She was great for us the first night and enjoyed sleeping in her cousin’s Moses basket!

After a morning playing at Aunty L and Uncle N’s with cousins J and E we went to a soft play centre for the boys to let off some steam! The girls slept much to our annoyance as we had has to pay for them even though they weren’t going to play! Shame on you Scrambles!


After lunch we headed off to the Gyle Shopping Centre where we stopped at M&S for tea and a feed before doing some girly clothes shopping for Little Miss A. Lots of after Christmas sales meant lots of bargains and Little Miss A’s 6-9 month wardrobe now has more than 1 outfit in it!


Back at Aunty L and Uncle N’s Little Miss A decided to have a good old wiggle on cousin E’s playmat and almost managed to roll right over! Then she had a bath with cousin E before Little Mr A had a bath with cousin J, but I don’t think it will be long before they stop wanting baths together!

Little Miss A must have been very tired from all the excitement and wriggling as she slept through for the first time that night!

In the morning Little Miss A had her first bus trip when we visited the National Museum of Scotland. It is a great interactive place for children with lots of different activities and things to do, and best of all, it is free admission. Although the food was perhaps a little expensive it was very nice and seen as entry is free you don’t mind too much. If we go again I think I would be more organised and take a packed lunch with us!


After letting the children play for a while we got them to bed as early as they would go and had a lovely curry before we had to head home the next day.

It is great to have family up in Edinburgh, we have lots of happy memories of being there as a couple and now we are able to share that with our children.

