I want, I want, I want!

Now Little Mr A is getting older he is wanting to watch programs on the more ‘grown up’ children’s channels which means one thing, especially this time of the year, adverts!

How many is too many?

I have lost count of the things he is going to ‘ask Santa’ for!  I have tried to explain to him that Santa cannot afford to ‘make’ all of the things he would like.  Everything that is advertised looks ‘cool’.  Even the girl’s toys he says I can have and he can help me play with them!

We have bought him a couple of things that he has asked for but cannot afford to buy everything he wants.  He has so many toys already it is a struggle to know what to get him!  I just hope he is not disappointed on Christmas morning when he doesn’t get everything he wants.

Little Mr A got a ridiculous amount of presents for his first Christmas!

It is a shame Christmas has become so commercial (even for 4 year olds!).  We all love getting presents but Christmas should be for spending time with family, not having to stress about how many presents we should be buying for our children.